{Review} Virtual Piggy: A Safe Way for Kids to Spend, Save, and Give Online

I started getting an allowance when I started junior high, which is probably late by most standards. But it’s not like I had anything to spend it on since I was not allowed to LEAVE THE HOUSE except for school and piano lessons until then… Any money received as gifts was hoarded away in a college fund, and everything I ever […]

{Monday Morning Status} How to Discuss Sandy Hook with Your Kids (or Not)

If you have decided to talk to your kids about the school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, chances are your already have. I, for one, have decided to shield my children from this horrific news in every way possible. They are already under enough stress and anxiety over our upcoming move and around school that there is absolutely no […]

Teachable Moments with Marble Jar, the Positive Parenting App

When you start thinking of parenting in terms of an overall context and an end goal, as I have recently started to do with Marble Jar, certain behaviors suddenly go from being an aggravation to a teachable moment. Realizing that things aren’t necessarily about being “bad” as opposed to “good”, we’ve shifted the conversations to the difference […]

The Parenting Philosophy Behind the Marble Jar App

Marble Jar is a clever little parenting app inspired by Parenting On Track™, a program that emphasizes the relationship strategies for guiding children towards positive behaviors, rather than quick-fixes and behavioral controls. The goal is to teach parents practical and collaborative methods that encourage every member of the family to participate in the life of the family, according to […]

Creating a Family Mission Statement with Marble Jar, the App that Celebrates Success

Morning are a huge struggle for our family. HUGE! Regardless of how early and smoothly bedtimes occur or how much prep we do the night before, there always seems to be something… SOMETHING… that throws us into a tailspin and makes getting out the door on time impossible. Either I misplace my keys and we […]

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