Monsters Vs. Aliens. For Everyone… Big, Slimmy, and Small

Attending a company-only premier of a movie a week before it officially opens in theaters. Yup, just one of the MANY perks of Mr. D’s awesome new job!

Last weekend, we took Scout to the movies for the very first time to see…

In a word… umm, HILARIOUS!

…and I’m not just saying that because Mr. D worked on it, because he didn’t. It was wrapping up when he started at the studio, but it was so much fun to see it with the people who did.

We arrived early to make sure we got the seats by the door… just in case Scout freaked out. (He didn’t. In fact, he was completely mesmerized from beginning ’til last credit rolled.)

As we waited for the movie to start, I watched Mr. D’s coworkers walk in with their families and friends, so excited to see their work come together in its element for the very first time.

They laughed a little bit harder because they know exactly what went into making the funny parts happen. Their partners know all too well about the late nights and weekends it took to pull of that scene or another and appreciate it that much more. Their kids wonder if their Daddy really makes cartoons all day…

(Yes, Scout. He does.)

Then when everyone claps and cheers when their names appear on screen, it just makes your heart swell with pride.

So go see Monsters Vs. Aliens this weekend (…and you WILL go see it!)

And remember, all of those little names rolling quickly at the end…

They are actually little people with even littler people who beam up with pride when they say, “My daddy/mommy/friend/uncle/aunt/cousin/next door neighbor made that…and it was cool!”


  1. No way! We just now, and I mean JUST NOW walked in the door from that movie! It’s so totally cute…I loved it! Um, I mean, Carly loved it! =)

    Liz’s last blog post..Bree’s Busy Week

  2. A movie? What’s that? I seem to remember something called a “moo-vhay” but I can’t be certain what it is. It’s been a while.

    About five months. Which is, coincidentally, EXACTLY THE SAME AGE as Claire.

    A’Dell’s last blog post..The things people don’t tell you while you’re in labor…

  3. OK…your Husband has the coolest job ever! I was thinking about taking the team to see this today (by myself) I lost my nerve:O
    Perhaps Monday…no one goes to a Monday matinee, right?

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..LOST my brains

  4. Very cool! Glad to hear the new job is going great! I’m totally jealous about getting to see it early. Our Phoebe wants to see this movie so badly. We’ll be going in the upcoming weeks as it’s released.

    Heather’s last blog post..PG – 22 Weeks 2 Days – Dewey Beach & Ultrasound Today

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