{Monday Morning Status} How to Find Bliss in Your Work Life

Monday Morning Status is a weekly roundup of interesting articles found on the web. Sometimes around a specific topic. Sometimes not. This week’s topic is How to Find Bliss in Your Work Life

10 Tricks for a Fabulous Workday
Inc. Magazine

Want to have the best workday ever?  Day after day?  It’s not as difficult as you think. These 10 tweaks to your everyday behavior will virtually guarantee you a day that’s not just enjoyable but allows you to get more done than you ever thought possible…

How to Be Appreciated at Your Job

We’ve all felt it at one time or another and you may be feeling it right now. The question is how do you turn it around? How do you go from being under-appreciated to being appreciated. I asked around for advice and here are some of the tips I received along with some tips I’ve learned along the way…

What Successful People Do With The First Hour Of Their Work Day 
Fast Company

Remember when you used to have a period at the beginning of every day to think about your schedule, catch up with friends, maybe knock out a few tasks? It was called home room, and it went away after high school. But many successful people schedule themselves a kind of grown-up home room every day. You should too.

The 101 Most Useful Websites of 2012
Digital Inspiration

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work
TED Talk

We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that actually happiness inspires productivity. (Filmed atTEDxBloomington.)

To all those who toil, whether at jobs where you have found bliss or not…, Happy Labor Day and Thank You!



  1. I’m always looking for bliss Grace. The thing is there isn’t enough time in the day to get it all done. These days having free time is bliss for me. How life changes!

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