{Project 137} Day 1 of Living Fully

Today’s prompt for “Living Fully” is to copy the following quote somewhere- a notebook, a piece of paper, etc- and simply… well, take note of it.

Man. Sometimes things just hit you between the eyes. I had just published my previous post titled “Hitting Reset” and was about to head to bed when I remembered that earlier in the day I signed up for Project 137, which was created by one of my favorite writers, Patti Digh. (She loves me, you know.)

Anyway… in yesterday’s post, I deleted the part in which I explain that while I am super excited about the fresh start my husband and my children get to have, I am beyond  frustrated that MY life still seems to be in a holding pattern.

For the fourth time in four years, I’m the one who gets to pick up the pieces of our life and patch them together. Meanwhile my husband gets to pursue his ambitions and yet another one of his dreams, I am the one stuck at home anxiously waiting to hear back from second interviews and neurotically labeling school supplies.

Hoping. Waiting. Wishing. Waiting. Missing. Waiting. Maddening. Waiting.

Reading the quote above, I am reminded of the reasons we decide to leave Silicon Valley and the life I so crushingly created for us there. I am also reminded of our reasons from coming back to Texas– the promise of the stability, the chance for our children be raised among  family,  a level of ease and comfort.

I am not denying that there are GOOD things, but I wasn’t the one who was miserable. I wasn’t the one who needed another fresh start and a trip back to square one.

And yet… here I am. This is my life and I’m waiting for it to be MY turn.

What are you waiting for? 

What would you do if you only had 137 days to live?
This post was inspired by Patti Digh’s Project 137. Why 137? I hope that you will join me and find out.



  1. Grace it we moved for similar reasons. Though in my case things weren’t do grand where we were. Our move is our chance to start over and be near family and I have hope that this move will bring us together as a couple and launches a much happier lifestyle. But it seems ever since we made the decision it’s been an up hill battle something always gets in the way. While I’m no where near regretting the decision I just need something to happen fast. A new job a light at end of the tunnel something. I wish you the best of luck and I hope that 2nd interview has a happy ending.

  2. Wow, Grace! I saw your link to this blog post on 137, and had to come check you out! I love your writing. I hope that you recognize that this is your turn. xo.

  3. That is a lot of chaos in not a lot of time. We moved a lot in the few years after my husband finished graduate school, and I felt the same way. I’m sorry you’re struggling, and I hope that great, fulfilling things are in your future!

    I joined Project 137 this morning. This quote made me realize that I’m very good at throwing obstacles and stumbling blocks up for myself, and I’m hoping this project will help me stop doing that.

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