#VlogMom What’s in My Glove Compartment?

This week’s #VlogMom topic comes from Megan Crume from Sweet Sadie Marie. She asked that we share three items from a junk drawer or car console. Items that have a story to go along with them preferred.

Well, I did go into any deep heart-felt stories about my glove compartment, but I think it definitely speaks volumes about me…

Tech hoarder? Check!

Inability to let (certain) things go?Check!

Loved by my little people? Always!

Take a looksie-loo at what the other #VlogMom vloggers have going on in their secret stashes:


  1. I lub you!!! PS throw those chargers away or give them to someone who can use them 😉 Have a great week!!

  2. “the secret shame that is my glove compartment” – HA HA!

  3. You are SO funny. I’m glad you’re doing more videos since you make me laugh.

  4. I don’t blame you for stuffing that stuff back in your glove compartment. You did the vlogmom assignment! No one asked us to clean out our junk, just show it!

  5. The love note is so adorable. I can’t wait for that from my little guy. Great vlog again.

  6. I love it, everything went right back in my junk drawer too! I don’t think I want to know how many charging cords I have floating around my house…

  7. Natalie says:

    If you are a tech hoarder I am a make up hoarder! Haha! Even if the make up kit has nothing inside I would still keep it. What specific items were inside your glove compartment when you checked it?


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