Leap Day 2012, and the Gracie Ran Away to the Dish

This Leap Day I was invited to make a “Delightful Discovery”… to use the “extra” twenty-four hours to try something new and out of the ordinary! With Leap Day coinciding with a typical old Wednesday with its early dismissals and karate lessons at 3 pm and dinner at 5pm, blah, blah, blah… that pretty much […]

{Giveaway} Take a Leap and Win a $75 Visa gift card

So it’s late, late Sunday night and I am so very exhausted. Of course, I blame it entirely on another busy weekend heading into another hectic week– grocery shopping, laundry, errands, dinner, cleaning, backpacks and nap bedding packed and ready for school in the morning… and NOT on the fact that I am still up long after […]

Last Minute Valentines Gift Ideas for Your Geek

Geeks can be  exceptionally challenging to shop for… For the most over-zealous, there probably isn’t an item that they haven’t already discovered (or bought for themselves.)  Add to that, the  pressure of having to be extra thoughtful on Valentine’s Day and you have got quite the quandary! What to get? What to get? Just in the nick of […]

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