Real Simple Designates January 9-13 “Be Nice on the Internet” Week

In its January 2012 issue, Real Simple magazine took an in-depth look into the world of social media, offering stats, tips, and common grievances.

Upon surveying 945 readers about the social-media habits that drive them crazy, they found that the top offenses were: “intentionally vague posts meant to generate concern and attention, a.k.a. vaguebooking”, “chronic complaining”, and “meaningless calls to action”. I would, personally, like to add to that list passive-aggressive, non-committal, blanket statements, @ or tagging abuse, invitations to “events” which are actually websites and not events at all, and, finally, 50 consecutive posts in which you link to yourself.

What are some of your social media pet peeves? 

This week, Real Simple is hitting refresh on civility and instituting “Be Nice on the Internet” week. Follow the Real Simple Facebook page and sign up for their newsletter  to get all of the details, including expert tips on social media matters, answers to why there is so much negativity on the Internet, and other interesting discussions.

{image credit: Real Simple}


  1. I agree that on the Internet, one should follow the rule our parents always told us growing up, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

  2. I also agree, The web would be a better place if everyone played nice.

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