What’s the Big Deal about Triberr Anyway?

A few months ago, I got wind of a plucky little start-up called, Triberr, and was intrigued by its premise. I don’t remember who first told me about it, but I do recall being so driven by distraction at the time that I put off joining until recently.

Unfortunately, one does not join TriberrOne is invited to Triberr.

Invitations are intentionally scarce and somewhat arduous to come by. The tribe “chiefs” are given a set number of invite codes and it’s up to them to suss out who they do (or do not) want in their circles. If you know someone who is already on Triberr, you will have to ask them for the “secret code” to let you in and hope that they pick you. Once you are invited to join, then you have the option to create your own tribes and the ability to invite others to join too.

After a few days of poking around for an invitation, I received this mysterious DM from the founders:

So, what is this elusive thing that I must patiently await as if it were enlightenment?

Continue reading on my tech column at ShePosts… 

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