Three Ways to Managing Your Digital Life from ChicaLogic

At next week’s blog-strvaganza that is otherwise known as BlogHer’11, I will be speaking on a panel called Being the CTO of Your Life, which is all about tech solutions for managing your household. I will also been sitting in the Geek Bar (think Apple “Genius Bar”) for two hours, giving one-on-one tutorials on Everything You Wanted to Know About Social Media Platforms But Were Afraid to Ask.  

Normally, I could talk about this stuff for days upon days… nonstop. But tell me you will be putting me on a stage/platform/on the spot to talk about it to an….  Gasp! There’s going to be an audience, isn’ there? And my mind goes to monkey brain.

In need of focus, I’ve been compiling resources for tips and tricks to keep top of mind as I present. Obviously, the first place I went was the ChicaLogic blog, which is always brimming with things I had not yet even considered.

Here are three tips that I think would help me (with my sessions) and you:

How to Clean-Up Your Facebook News Feed

I feel it’s my duty to help my fellow chicas navigate their way through social networking, making it as pleasurable as possible. This usually involves tips and tricks to make it safer, more secure, and of course, how to get rid of pesky people, apps, or whatever.

Today I’m focusing on cleaning up your News Feed. If it is cluttered with lots of stuff you don’t care about, Facebook ceases to be any fun at all. Let’s clean house, shall we?


Using Online Backup

Back a few years ago, in case of a fire, what would you have taken?  Photo albums?  Important documents?  Family videos?  These days most of these items are now located on your computer.  Maybe you’ve even saved them to an external hard drive when your computer’s drive was too full.  Either way, what would happen if the hardware failed….


How to Protect Your Child’s Identity Online

 How easy is it for thieves to steal your child’s identity? Easy. Most children already have social security numbers established, which immediately puts them on the map for identity theft. Their sparkling clean credit records are very appealing to thieves. As parents generally aren’t in the habit of checking in on their kid’s credit reports, identity theft may go unnoticed for years, wreaking havoc on their credit ratings.


Disclosure: I have been compensated to represent ChicaLogic as a Brand Ambassador. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not reflect those of ChicaLogic.


  1. I’m so in awe of people who are all technologically un-confused. And at least I don’t have kids, so I’m only failing two of the above sections!

  2. Wow, I haven’t thought of keeping a copy of my important files/photos somewhere else than in my house. It is a good idea storing them online as well, in case something happens to your house. Thanks for the good idea!

  3. Good post, thanks for sharing. Look forward to reading more of your writing in the future.

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