Google Doesn’t Have Children

Today, I followed a link from Twitter, which took me to Brené Brown’s blog, Ordinary Courage and this video…. She’s right. It was too good not to share! It had me tearing up… Not that it’s that difficult. Ever since becoming a mom, I always feel like I’m on the razor edge of tears. Hormones, […]

First Day of School 2010

Today is the first day of Scout’s second year of preschool, which he is emphatic to point out is called “PRE-K!” not preschool. This isn’t like the first day of school last year when he walked out of our house a round-faced baby and unsure of what to expect. This year, he’s merely returning to […]

Savoring The Last Days of Summer

School starts Friday. Why Friday? Who cares! I’m more concerned about having to limit the number of cartwheels and “whew-hews” I do at drop off. I mean, I’m excited and all, but I’m not completely insensitive. The other parents would probably like to have a turn too. School starts Friday. Is there a more sweeter […]

There’s The Stuff That Never Happened and Then There’s Reality

When I first read the description of Maddie Dawson’s The Stuff That Never Happened, I thought I was in for a fluffy, bedtime read. Annabelle McKay knows she shouldn’t have any complaints. She’s been in a stable marriage that’s lasted almost three decades and has provided her with two wonderful children, thousands of family dinners […]

The Price of Trying to Do It All

It was only a matter of time before LIFE caught up with me. Yesterday started off like any other day. I woke up refreshed, bright-eyed, and ready to face the day cursing the sun after another long night of “trying to get everything accomplished” (and failing miserably). Mike had already left for work, so there […]

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