Deeper into the Crevasse

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing… I sat on my recent post on second-time motherhood for over a month. I was afraid to post it. Yet, I couldn’t seem to write about anything else until I did. So Sunday night, I just closed my eyes and hit “publish”. The truth is, for whatever reason, […]

Are You Going To Eat That?

All parents have the highest of aspirations for their children. Doctor, teacher, President of the United States… but the next Kobayashi? If fate were decided by talent and talent was determined at the age of eight months, then my daughter definitely has a shot at winning international titles in competitive eating. She greedily gobbles up […]

On The Other Side of Perfect

Whenever I hear another mom talk about her “perfect” baby, I want to punch her in the throat… but I can’t. For many reasons, of course, but mainly because I used to BE that mom. Oh yes, my first born was (and in many ways still is) such an easy kid. One of those mythical […]

Brunch, I Love You More Than Rainbows*

This past Saturday, I was having a late night nosh with new friends when the conversation turned to… What else? Brunch. In particular, favorite places to brunch. It’s one of the first things I like to know about people when I meet them. Hello. How are you? What’s your name? Where’s your favorite place to […]

In The Wee Small Hours

I was winding down after a fun filled moms’ night out, when I heard a familiar pitter-patter coming down the hall. I ignored it at first, hoping he’d realize nothing was going on and go back to bed. Instead, he lingered at the doorway for a while– quietly observing, wondering if I noticed. Instead of […]

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