Because I Didn’t Go to BlogHer and Have Nothing Else To Talk About

While most of my bloggy besties were off cavorting and elbowing babies for swag at some weak little conference in Chicago (hehe), I spent the better part of my weekend at HOME willing my water to break…

Clearly, that did NOT happen… very, very, very much to my disappointment.

Yeah, I had hoped she would come on her own. Instead, I’ll be going in for my scheduled c-section on Wednesday, 12pm PST.

Having been through this before, I have the benefit and the disadvantage of knowing exactly what to expect… There seems to be no end to the “last minute” details as I second and triple guess myself on what was (or wasn’t) helpful in the past. I’ve definitely been trying to get as much SLEEP as possible, only to be plagued by stupid insomnia.

4 am and I’m flipping between “16 and Pregnant” and “A Baby Story”

I’m dreading the recovery. I’m worried about Scout. I’m relieved my parents will be here tomorrow night. I really want a turkey sandwich right now. I ate half a bell pepper, just a bell pepper, an hour ago. Don’t ask.

In any case, I haven’t been able to concentrate on much else this week (much less cobble together a coherent post…)

I simply ask that you please pray for or at least think of us on Wednesday.


  1. Will do. Sending good thoughts your way! Bestest wishes!

  2. I am so excited for you!!! You will definitely be in my thoughts!!!!! Congratulations! And I might have missed it, but do you know what you are having?

  3. Will be praying for and thinking of you this week. Wishing you all the best for a safe and speedy delivery 🙂

  4. Good luck on Wednesday.

    I went to the conference, and except for meeting a lot of great people…. you didn’t miss much.

  5. Sending good, good thoughts!

  6. Here she comes!! Lots of love and luck to you all. It’s going to be great.

  7. Yeah, I never went into labor either. Sucks. Will definitely be praying for you on Wednesday and if it makes you feel better, I felt that my C-section recovery from my second went much smoother than after my first. I’d choose 16 and pregnant over baby story any day…baby story is wayy too cheesey for my taste!

  8. Chris in NY says:

    I had 4 c-sections in 7 years….believe it or not, the 4th one was my easiest, quickest recovery. One week after the birth of #4, I took her along to #2’s class trip. One week.

    I felt there were 2 keys to my quick recoveries. I took my pain meds RELIGIOUSLY. I felt no need to be a “hero” and shun the medication. I was allowed to take them every 4 hours, so at 3 hours and 45 minutes, I buzzed the nurse to ask for them. By the time they checked my records, ordered the meds, received them, and walked them to my room, it was 4 hours.

    The second thing was that I did not lie in bed for the entire 4 days in the hospital. The minute the nurses allowed it, I got out of bed and started walking. Okay, it was more like ‘shuffling’. I put the baby in her little bassinet-on-wheels and we walked up and down the halls and around the nurses station. When the orderlies came around and offered to refill my water/ice jug, I said “No thank you” and I walked to the kitchenette to refill it myself.

    Good luck to you. My thoughts are with you and I’m wishing you a fantastic, speedy recovery!

  9. I am praying for you and the arrival of your sweetl little girl today! Prayers for Mike and Avery too 😉 I can’t WAIT to see pics!!!!

  10. Hope all is well with you & baby #2! Look forward to hearing about your adventures & seeing photos!
    Dawn – a fan in Georgia

  11. I hope everything went well and that you and baby are both resting…

  12. How exciting! Can’t wait to see pics!! Sending good delivery vibes your way!! 🙂

  13. I just realized today is Thursday so you had the baby yesterday!! Hope everything went well 🙂

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