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Because I Didn’t Go to BlogHer and Have Nothing Else To Talk About

While most of my bloggy besties were off cavorting and elbowing babies for swag at some weak little conference in Chicago (hehe), I spent the better part of my weekend at HOME willing my water to break… Clearly, that did NOT happen… very, very, very much to my disappointment. Yeah, I had hoped she would […]

Cold, Fizzy Lime-flavored Nostagia

I bought a pint of sherbet earlier this week and have been snacking on it every night since. “Naturally low fat” and “High in Vitamin C” the container says, but that’s not what I dig most about it. I love that it brings me back to childhood. Half a gallon of Blue Bell Lime Sherbet […]

How NOT to Make Mommy Friends

Trying to make mommy friends is very often compared to dating— lots of hanging around, making discreet eye contact, sizing up the prospects… Add to that scheduling conflicts around naps and mealtimes, geographic desirability, and toddler temperaments and I’d say that the mommy “dating pool” is far more brutal… and mostly out of our control. […]

Because I da’Mommy and I Said So

From a recent conversation in the car… Me: Sorry, Babe. I don’t make up the rules. Scout: Yes, Mommy. You do make up the rules. Me: Heh! Yeah, you’re right, I do… Ummm, still no.

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