How Do I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day? Let Me Count The Rotations.

Scout and I were engaged in yet another thoroughly stimulating debate. The kind you can only have with your brilliant preschooler going on pre-law about a hundred and forty times a day…

I declared that the sun is beginning to set. Therefore, it’s time for us to head home from the park.

He countered that the sun is NOT setting. In fact, it’s just coming up. Ergo, we still have to plenty of time to play!

“Oh really?” I laughed.

“Mm-Hmm,” he closed with a definitive nod.

This went on a bit longer until a miserable, wretched hag… er, another mom at the park, upon eavesdropping, informed us that (cough, cough) we were BOTH incorrect as the sun doesn’t actually move. The Earth does.

Well…. Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me if we haven’t quite gotten around to “Riding Foucault’s Pendulum with Elmo”, but we’re still trying to master the art of wiping one’s own tiny ass.


  1. LOVE this!!! love, love, love!

    Liz’s last blog post..Tunica Hills!

  2. I so love reading your blog – it has never failed to bring a smile to my face!! 🙂

  3. Hilarious!

    My daughter tells me “this is NOT” fill in the blank all the time! Does she think I’m lying or something?

    Krystyn’s last blog post..PSF-The Hippo

  4. Today Miss Peach countered with “I don’t want quiet time…I want to have loud time!”

    Nap Warden’s last blog post..I Can’t Be the Only One

  5. Devin D. says:


    I’m so glad you have this blog- it’s so entertaining! You are quite the storyteller. Keep it coming…


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