Killer Lashes

As in, I would kill to have lashes as long and luscious as these… He gets them from his father. Somehow that just doesn’t seem fair. Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Mama Bear Attack

I’m not even sure how it went down exactly… We had just had this awesome day in the gorgeous California sun- a nice lunch, window shopping, listening to live music… Ready to head home, we cut through a parking garage to get to our car. Mr. D, pushing a napping Scout in the stroller, stopped […]

How Do You Know When Your Kid is So Ready For Preschool?

When his declares to you in all seriousness… Mommy, these are my FRIENDS and I LOVE them so much! It’s about time we made some people friends, too… BOTH of us.

How Do I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day? Let Me Count The Rotations.

Scout and I were engaged in yet another thoroughly stimulating debate. The kind you can only have with your brilliant preschooler going on pre-law about a hundred and forty times a day… I declared that the sun is beginning to set. Therefore, it’s time for us to head home from the park. He countered that […]

What Can Brown Do For You? NOTHING!

As a kid, did you ever have that experience of grabbing your mom’s leg only to realize that it wasn’t her leg? In fact, it was actually some other lady’s leg and now she (and your mom) are laughing at you… Well, this has been happening to me constantly lately, except in reverse and not […]

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